Terraria 1.4.4 labour of love update notes
New Special Seeds and Updates to Special Seeds
- Added the "Remix" World Seed, where the player spawns in the Underworld and makes their way up.
Worldgen is heavily overhauled, and enemy spawns and item drops are changed
- Added the "No Traps" World Seed, for those players who just totally hate dying to traps during their Terraria adventures.
- Added the "Everything" World Seed, a combination of all of the major seed features from every other special seed.
For the Worthy Updates
- Numerous changes and threats have made their way to the FTW seed, to demand even more worthiness from players
- Classic difficulty FTW worlds automatically behave as Expert. Expert FTW worlds are automatically Master.
- Should now be possible to 100% complete the Bestiary
Not the Bees Updates
- Spider Caves now generate in Not The Bees worldgen
- All fish should be catchable now
- Should now be possible to 100% complete the Bestiary
More information.